Contact: The Aboriginals and French Colonists
New France

The Aboriginals
New France
Indian-White Relations in New France


In 1608, Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec with six families totalling 28 people. This was the first successful settlement in Canada. In 1630, only 100 colonists were living in the settlement and by 1640, there was 359.
Champlain allied himself with the aboriginals. He arranged to have young French men live with the natives, to learn their language and customs and help the French adapt to life in North America. Champlain was named Governor of New France. Cardinal Richelieu, adviser to the King, forbade non-Roman catholics from living there. The English colonies began to raid the St. Lawrence valley and in 1629, Quebec was captured and held until 1632.
-French culture and religion remained dominant in most of New France, until the arrival of British settlers led to the later creation of Upper Canada(Ontario) and New Brunswick.

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